If you’re between the ages of 16-25 years, a discussion about your wisdom teeth should take place. Wisdom teeth, a third set of molars, appear in the very back of each area of your mouth: Upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right. In a few patients, enough space exists for these molars to move into place. But most commonly, they just don’t belong, or they’re not lined up correctly. Wisdom teeth can lay entirely on their sides or lean at various angles into the neighboring teeth.
When evaluating wisdom teeth, Dr. Herman George considers four general classifications. A panoramic x-ray provides a vital tool for determining the classification of each wisdom tooth. It’s even possible one patient may display one of each type:
Wisdom teeth causing pain and infection give a clear warning sign that treatment needs consideration. But some problems can also slowly develop without your awareness. If you’re an adult with wisdom teeth, be sure they’re evaluated periodically for changes using a panoramic x-ray.
If you need to consider wisdom teeth removal, Dr. Herman George can discuss options with you. Various forms of sedation offer anxiety-reduction that puts this minor surgical procedure within reach of every patient that needs it.
Despite the best intentions, teeth sometimes need to be removed. Regardless of the situation, this minor surgical procedure can be brought together in a way that considers your short and long-term concerns. From anxiety control to planning for tooth replacement, we'll factor in every aspect of your case.
While many patients are concerned about root canals, modern dentistry often makes this procedure quick and simple. Infected teeth in danger of extraction can be disinfected and filled with a sealer, offering a safe, effective solution for a problematic situation.
Minor surgical procedures are sometimes necessary to treat dental issues. Defects in the bone or supporting gum tissue may require repair with simple, yet precise surgical techniques.
The bone around your teeth is special and doesn't regenerate when it's lost. Your teeth rely on this bony foundation to remain stable and functional. Sometimes we can repair these defects by adding bone grafting materials.
The bone around your teeth is special and doesn't regenerate when it's lost. Your teeth rely on this bony foundation to remain stable and functional. Sometimes we can repair these defects by adding bone grafting materials.
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